My Story
Story of My Life
Growing up, I felt smaller than a crumb on the floor, constantly overshadowed by my fears and my parents’ epic argument battles When they divorced, I was convinced it was my fault—because, obviously, I had the power to ruin their marriage at age five! Social situations? Let’s just say I was the kid hiding behind my mom's leg like it was a superhero cape. Whenever someone came to ours I ended up in the closet hiding from awkward conversations.
Then we moved to a new country, and things went from awkward to downright cringe. I got bullied in nursery—yes, even by the teacher! I cried more than a soap opera star. When we moved back home, I was like, “Yay, hope!” but trusting people again felt like trying to teach a cat to fetch. I didn't have any friends and the people I thought liked me had already been hanging out with others, this led me to fall into even deeper loneliness.
Entering the workforce? Oh boy! I was terrified to ask for promotions; I thought my boss might spontaneously combust if I even raised my hand in meetings. I was basically a human doormat, letting self-doubt stomp all over me. But then, I realised something needed to change, I had a colleague who was trying to be nice and supportive of me, so I decided to let my guard down for her and we started hanging out. We became best friends very quickly, but I was scared to lose her so I ended up acting jealous when she was speaking with other co-workers.
I knew I had to stop expropriating her and become a better friend and a better person.
I jumped into personal development like it was a pool of chocolate, reading everything about self-confidence and friendships. I started setting small goals and it was like I won the lottery every time I achieved one. Finally, I gathered my courage, quit feeling sorry for myself, and found a way to connect with others leading to a long-lasting friendship and a loving relationship that makes me feel like I’m in a rom-com!
Now, I’m a coach, helping others rip off loneliness like It's a bandaid. I share my story on stage and am even writing a book to inspire more women to connect. Life is a blast now, and if any of this tickles your fancy, let’s chat!
Book a complimentary discovery session with me, and let's take those pesky barriers down together. It’ll be fun, I promise!